高谷 精二

清水 貴範

石塚 成宏

A study of Soil Properties and Characteristics of Shallow Landslides in Mt. Aso
P. paudel

K. Moriwaki
H. Omura
The flank of Mt. Neko dake is dissected by many shallow landslides. The soil layers were differentiated each other by their distinct colors. The physical properties of each layer were examined in the laboratory and in the field too. The area was differentiated into distinct forest and grassland land use. The maximum slope angle has ranges up to 63 degree. Many shallow landslides were observed both in forest and grassland. The soil samples were taken from both forest and grassland surfaces to identify the cohesion, internal friction angle and other physical properties. The relative slope stability assessment has been studied for forest and grassland surfaces. Further the features of the shallow landslides occurred in both surfaces were also studied.Wishing your kind consideration in this regardTheme: A study of Soil Properties and Characteristics of Shallow Landslides in Mt. Aso