Protected Areas and biodiversity conservation in Myanmar
Naing Zaw Htun
 Myanmar is among the most biologically diverse countries in mainland Southeast Asia. Protected area constitutes a corner stone for conserving biodiversity. Myanmar has established protected areas for about 90 years. As many other developing countries, Myanmar is no exception in facing problems in managing protected areas. Although the primary objective of the protected area is to protect wildlife species and habitats, subsistence reliance of local people on their adjacent protected area should also be considered. In Myanmar, local people are still excluded from protected area management and their feeling is ignored and this lead to the outbreak of park-people conflict. Alternative management approach, which can trade off biodiversity conservation objectives and local community's basic needs, should be developed and this may lead to the sustainable protected area management.

Assessment of land Use changes and prediction of probability of deforestation
: A case study in Paunglaung watershed
Myat Su Mon
Kyaw Htun
Maung Maung Than
 Today deforestation is regarded as a serious global issue. Its ripple effect can eventually contribute to a variety of environmental problems. Land use changes in forested areas can cause deforestation leading to watershed degradation. Forest cover change assessment was carried out in Paunglaung watershed of Myanmar. Landsat images of different time sets were analysed under supervised classification by using TNTmips 6.4 software. Analysis of remote sensing data indicated that according to the change detection between 1989 and 2000, forest area decreased from 2,837 km2 (61.25%) to 2,478 km2 (53.51%) during 11 years and 0.7% of the forest cover was annually lost. Indeed, socio-economic condition of the local people is one of the important factors which contribute to deforestation and it is very important to understand the relationship between the natural forest and its adjacent local communities. A logistic regression model was constructed by using SPSS ver.11.1 to predict deforestation by socio-economic conditions of local people as independent variables. The model revealed that population growth, percent of income from the forest resources and use of firewood for energy were the most responsible factors for deforestation in the study area.


呉 立潮
亜熱帯沖縄における天然林の資源植物学的研究の一環として,西表島におけるノシシ猟と森林植物との関わりを調査し、リュウキュウイノシシにまつわる狩猟について民族学的視点からイノシシ猟の変遷、猪垣の実態、および罠に利用されている植物について明らかにした。イノシシ猟は圧し罠猟、イヌ猟、ハネ罠猟へと変遷し、猪垣は砂岩、サンゴで積まれ、石積みの低い場所や湿地ではサガリバナ(Barrintonia rasemosa)を利用した木柵が構築されていることがわかった。現在、罠に用いられているハネ木は弾力性の強いシマミサオノキ、(Randia canthioides)イスノキ (Distylium racemosum)、モクタチバナ(Ardisia sieboldii)、アデク(Syzygium buxifolium)、アカテツ(Planchonella obovata)、他15種が用いられ、これらの植物は亜熱帯照葉樹林の低木層を構成している樹種であることが明らかになった。