
Landslide susceptibility evaluation, case study in Sulawesi, Indonesia
(Kyushu Univ.) ,
Tetsuya Kubota
 By utilizing GIS, a study based on Hovland`s model was carried out on Mt. Bawakaraeng Caldera, in South Sulawesi, Indonesia to evaluate slope stability and to estimate the volume of the landslide. The data available for this study include topography, engineering geology and satellite image of land use. The 1:5,000 contour map with 25 m contour interval was converted into digital data. Elevation data were obtained from the digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 5 x 5 m. The result of the slope stability analysis on 25 slope units on Mt. Bawakaraeng Caldera shows that the safety factor (SF) ranges from 0.792 to 1.855. If SF > 1, then the slope is safe or stable, but if SF < 1, then it can be considered to be an unsafe or unstable slope. The results may be far from perfect for cases related to a large scale area. However, the result of this analysis has proved how high the risk is for a large scale landslide disaster to happen. The result of this study also shows which unit slope has the highest risk for landslide to happen in the future. The volume of probable landslide in the future from the analysis of 23 slope units was estimated 370 million m3. Excluding two slopes that have already collapsed the volume was estimated to be about 232 million m3. The potential for large scale landslides to happen on Mt. Bawakaraeng Caldera is very high; therefore warning mechanisms should be implemented in this area.

清水 晃,
生沢 均,
古堅 公
 沖縄本島における森林流域の降雨流出特性に関しては南明治山、辺土名試験地の水文試験地において本州にくらべて年蒸発散量が900-1100mmと多いことなどが報告されているがそれ以外の報告例はまだまだ少ない。 本研究では、“亜熱帯島嶼における水循環過程の特性”を把握することを目的に降雨量・流出量に関する観測を開始したのでこれを報告する。