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Vegetation Sensitivity to the Impacts of Recreational Activities -Case
study of mountainous forests of Mount Tahan, Peninsular Malaysia-
Azita Ahmad Zawawi(琉大農),Masami Shiba,Hazandy Abdul Hamid,Mohd Zaki Hamzah,Pakhriazad Hassan Zaki | The study was conducted to evaluate impacts of recreational activities on vegetation growth in tropical mountainous forests of Mount Tahan, Peninsular Malaysia. Six test sites being composed of impacted and control plots (square unit plot of 20 x 20 m size) were set to assess the differences of vegetation conditions where growth attributes, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and wood anatomical characteristics were measured and compared. Result shows that there was a significant difference of value between impacted plots and control plots. Most values of parameters taken in impacted plots are higher than those in control plots. These contrasting results demonstrated that disturbance sometimes benefited vegetation growth. In the case of Mount Tahan, the damage on vegetation caused by recreation activities is still at low level but greater recognition is needed to maintain the sustainability. |
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Beneficiary of Local Participation in Conservation; A case study in Central
Cardamom Protected Forest, southwestern Cambodia
Namyi Heng(九大生資環), Nobuya Mizoue, Tsuyoshi Kajisa,Shigejiro Yoshida
Conservation Agreement is known as a way in which biodiversity conservation through incentive agreement directly compensates local stakeholders, but there has been limited information on effectiveness of local participation in terms of local people’s benefits. This study aimed at evaluating benefits for local people participating conservation activities in the Central Cardamom Protected Forest (401,313 ha), where the incentive-based conservation agreement was initiated in the community for helping the conservation in 2002. We did questionnaire survey to understand about the benefits of conservation incentive to local people, which contribute to local livelihood improvement; and the attitude of local people toward to the conservation and their participation in conservation activity. We found that after conservation incentive agreement, livelihoods and attitude of local people have been improved, promoting the people’s knowledge to understand and participation in conservation work. However, positive attitude towards conservation was positively related to the receipt of benefits. |
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Effectiveness of ecotourism in community forestry and community protected
areas in Kirirom National Park,Cambodia
Pichdara Lonn(九大生資環)Nobuya Mizoue,Tsuyoshi Kajisa,Shigejiro Yoshida | In Cambodia, there is an increasing emergence of establishment of ecotourism, which is especially located in community forestry and community protected areas. It has been reported as a good tool for local natural resource management because it can, in return, provide incomes to communities to protect their own resources, especially forests, but the effectiveness of that practice has not been scientifically proved. So far, there have been reports from local communities and Non Governmental Organization (NGOs), who supports and facilitates to develop ecotourism. The reports, which were just anecdotes, stated successful stories of using ecotourism as a safeguard in preventing forest degradation. However, after initiating ecotourism, there have no scientific studies in terms of quantitative and qualitative data analysis of increases of forest resources such as forest timber, wildlife, medicinal plants etc. This research study evaluates the success of ecotourism in Kirirom National Park, Cambodia, based on quantitative data on socioeconomic changes and biophysical parameter changes of forest resources by using GIS and household survey. |
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繁山慎太郎 (九大生資環), 加治佐 剛, 溝上展也, 吉田茂二郎 |
森林伐採が進む東南アジアの中でもカンボジアの森林は、天然林が多く残る貴重な地域である。しかし、カンボジアにおいても1990年代から2000年代にかけて森林の約15%にあたる約200万haの森林減少が起こった。この期間において、自然保護地域の制定や伐採権を企業に発行するコンセッションやコミュニティ林業の開始など森林の保護と商業伐採および住民参加型森林管理に関する政策が実行された。そこで、本研究では、1992年から2006年の期間における自然保護地域、コンセッションエリアおよびコミュニティ林業地の森林面積の推移を把握し、自然保護地域やコミュニティ林業の有効性や商業伐採による森林減少について検討する。 |