白石 進,
スギは日本を代表する針葉樹であり、さまざまな形質に関する育種が行われている。また、分子生態学、分子遺伝学的研究を進めるうえで、多型性に富んだマーカーは必要不可欠である。マイクロサテライト(SSR,simple sequence repeat)マーカーは、高度に多型的であるが、現在主流である2塩基繰返しSSRマーカーは、DNA増幅(PCR)時にslippageを起こしstutter bandを生じることから、タイピングエラーが高頻度で起こることが欠点であった。そこで今回はstutter bandを生成せず、より正確にタイピングできる4塩基繰返しSSRマーカーのマルチプレックス分析系の構築を試みた。Guan and Shiraishi(2011)で開発した8個の4塩基繰返しSSRマーカー(平均ヘテロ接合体率(期待値): 0.824)を用いて、2組(各4マーカー)の分析系を開発した。この2組の分析系を用いた場合のDiscrimination Power は0.999999、平均PIC(polymorphic information content)は0.781である。福岡県森林林業技術センターより提供されたスギ精英樹サンプルについて、実際に個体識別を行った。

高橋 誠

Development of microsatellite markers in Pinus kesiya
コン ヴァン タオ
白石 進
Pinus kesiya (Khasi Pine) is a large tree, reaching height up to 45 m and diameters at breast height of up to 100 cm. It occurs in open pure stands, on steep slopes at elevations of 300-2700 m, in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. In Vietnam, the wood of Khasi Pine is used for various purposes, such as construction, boxes, flooring, ceilings and furniture. Due to its high demand for timber, it is increasingly interested in expanding the plantation areas in Vietnam and other countries. Currently, molecular approaches for Khasi Pine breeding are very limited. In addition, understanding of the processes that determine population genetic structure, gene flow and mating systems is important for effectively managing the existing populations. Microsatellite (SSR) markers is suitable for investigating population genetics as well as serving as robust markers for breeding programs due to their reproducibility, multi-allelic nature, codominant inheritance, relatively abundance and good genome coverage. The present research was aimed at developing a collection of genomic SSR markers and to assess their informativeness. A genomic library enriched for CATA- repeats was constructed from Khasi Pine genomic DNA. Around 33% of the 288 isolated clones were selected for sequencing. About 80% of the sequenced clones contained a tetra- nucleotide microsatellite with the repeat number of larger than 6. From these, 34 regions were chosen based on their repeat times of the core sequence, uniqueness and flanking sequence quality for designing primers. A nested polymerase chain reaction method was applied for identifying the other flanking region of each microsatellite. After operating the secondary PCR, 19 single-band fragments were obtained for sequencing. Based on the sequencing quality and the matching sequences, 3 unique SSR sequences were selected for SSR primer design. These genomic SSR markers will contribute to advance in Khasi Pine molecular breeding and to manage its existing populations efficiently.